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[Sammelthread] Grand Theft Auto V


doing a barrel roll

15 Juli 2013
Ein paar Beiträge weiter oben ist doch ein riesiges Bild, auf dem der Donnerstag erwähnt wird.

Ich bin gespannt. Der MP von GTA IV war extrem unterhaltsam, selbst wenn man nur Free Roam gespielt und mit ein paar Kumpels rumgeblödelt hat oder sich von der Glitchschaukel durch die Gegend hat katapultieren lassen :D
Oh, wie ich hoffe, dass es wieder so eine tolle Schaukel gibt...


creative mind

14 Juli 2013
Ja, wenn es Previews (Hands-On) gibt, dann ist klar, dass es ein ordentliches Multiplayer Debut wird.
Bilder sind weiterhin im OP über die Links gelistet.


Malfunctioning Eddie

life is a roofie circle

14 Juli 2013
Schätze mal das der MP wie bei Read Dead Redemption ablaufen wird,
Dort wurden möglichst viele Spieler in die selbe Open World geladen und konnten überall auf der Map unabhängig voneinander/oder zusammen Aufgaben und Missionen erledigen während reines Deathmatch instanziert war.Mn konnte sich natürlich trotzdem über den Haufen ballern.
In kombination mit den neuen Raubzügen wirds wohl auch darauf hinaus laufen das einige Spieler dann die Rolle von Polizei etc. Übernehmen können.
Mein Tipp....aber ich kanns trotzdem nicht erwRten Videos/Bilder dazu zu sehen, der Hype hat mich bereits fest im Griff :D

Noch ein Tipp/eine Idee
Ich denke das Michael durch den Raub eines gewissen Diamantens aus GTA4 zu Reichtum gekommen ist, denn nur durch Banküberfälle kauft man kein Haus in beverly Hills, außer man macht einen Bankraub wie Gruber^^
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


creative mind

14 Juli 2013


(free Patch)
1. OKTOBER 2013
Grand Theft Auto Online is a dynamic and persistent online world for 16 players that begins by sharing gameplay features, geography and mechanics with Grand Theft Auto V, but will continue to expand and evolve after its launch with new content created by Rockstar Games and the Grand Theft Auto community. Grand Theft Auto Online takes the fundamental Grand Theft Auto concepts of freedom, ambient activity and mission-based gameplay and makes them available to multiple players in an incredibly detailed and responsive online world.

In Grand Theft Auto Online, players have the freedom to explore alone or with friends, work cooperatively to complete missions, band together to participate in activities and ambient events, or compete in traditional game modes with the entire community, all with the personality and refined mechanics of Grand Theft Auto V.

Players can invest in their character through customizing their appearance, improving their stats, owning customized vehicles, purchasing personal property, and taking part in missions, jobs and activities to earn reputation and cash to open up new opportunities to rise through the criminal ranks. The world of Grand Theft Auto Online will constantly grow and change as new content is added, creating the first ever persistent and dynamic Grand Theft Auto game world.

Access to Grand Theft Auto Online is free with every retail copy of Grand Theft Auto V and launches on October 1st.​


CVG | Gamespot

GTA Online looks like GTAV. No compromise. The streets of Vinewood were buzzing with traffic just like the trailers.
GTA Online is Rockstar's effort to marry the carefully crafted structure of mission-based multiplayer with the unpredictable, anything-goes nature of an open-world experience. It's a delicate balancing act to be sure, but if our first look is anything to go by, Rockstar has already hit its mark.

First, a bit of context. Grand Theft Auto Online is not a standalone retail product; it's included with copies of GTAV. Some narrative overlap connects GTA Online with the story campaign, including a handful of shared characters. In fact, you can even switch between the two modes by selecting your multiplayer avatar from the very same character wheel used to jump between Michael, Trevor, and Franklin in the main storyline.

But GTA Online is its own beast: building your criminal empire in this part of the game requires navigating through a very different dynamic, with earnings and progression separate from those found in the story campaign. In fact, Rockstar's aim is to spin this off into its own separate entity altogether. That's why GTA Online is being built on a separate development schedule, and why it will release shortly after GTAV on October 1 via a patch to the main game. But don't worry; you'll be able to get yourself suitably hyped up thanks to a countdown timer Rockstar plans to include in the game prior to the patch.​
The whole thing takes place within a world that aims to feel far more alive than any of Rockstar's previous multiplayer offerings. Switching over to GTA Online, you're immediately dropped into a world shared by 16 players. No need to match up with other people using some free-roaming lobby--merely jumping into GTA Online is enough to tell the game you're ready to free-roam alongside other players.​
Once online, 16 players are active at any one time but you're part of an online universe of hundreds of thousands, if not more - all jostling for Reputation Points (RP), cash and almost limitless material acquisition. Remember the penthouse at the end of the GTAV gameplay trailer? You can buy it, complete with working CCTV, home entertainment and a deluxe garage allowing storage of 10 customised vehicles.​
Many of these missions are simply ambient events you can trigger on the fly. Let's say you run into one player and decide to challenge them to a race. You pull open the map, drop a waypoint--user-created events and game modes are a big theme in GTA Online--and the two of you are on your way. But be careful, because you might just pass by a third player with a six-star wanted level fleeing from a swarm of cops. Nothing ruins a street race like colliding head-on into a police cruiser.

Those types of serendipitous encounters are one of the ways Rockstar is hoping to make the world feel more alive and unpredictable, while the potential for adversarial behavior between players is another. Maybe you and some buddies want to throw on a couple masks and hold up a convenience store for a quick bit of cash. Easy money, right? Well, the player who physically receives the money from the cashier gets to decide how it's split between the team. If your buddy stiffs you on your share of the profit, you can either chase him down and steal it for yourself or keep your hands clean by hiring a hitman to take him out--it's your call. The game even tracks who your rivals are and lets you know when they've come online so that you can exact a little vengeance.​
The Creator tool offers tantalising longevity, allowing players to create and share their own missions and activities via the Social Club cloud. Other players can beat your target times and scores, then rate your mission. You can even choose which creators you want to follow and curate your favourite missions.​
These are missions unique to multiplayer and as such they've been designed for a cooperative style of play. One of the missions Rockstar showed was a large-scale operation requiring a crew of players to sneak into an airport, take out a crew of armed guards, and fly away in a military cargo plane. If that weren't challenging enough, the players also had to fly it clear across the map and successfully land the thing in a ramshackle airstrip out in the middle of nowhere.​
It's an open-ended mission, which is a theme Rockstar is aiming for with these multiplayer heists. You've got the overarching goal (steal the plane) as well as a few suggestions for which roles might be good to designate beforehand (lookout, sniper, transporter, etc.) and from there it's up to the players to determine the best way to proceed. Do you approach the airport by boat, or parachute in by helicopter? Do you stop off at Ammu-Nation and buy a customized loadout of guns before the job, or rely on the one guy carrying an entire army's worth of weapons to hand over a few of his extra guns for the good of the group? Either way, you'll need to work as a team to get the job done--especially when you consider that you've got a finite pool of shared lives before it's mission over.

Rockstar wants to ensure that the challenge in these heists comes from actually stealing stuff rather than trying to organize a group of friends through some clumsy party lobby system. All you need to do is wander up to a mission marker, invite some willing friends along by pulling open a quick menu, and they'll be instantly teleported over and ready to get going--even if they were just in the single-player story. These pre-mission screens also let you tweak variables such as difficulty level and time of day.​
While heists are the centerpiece missions of the game, there are plenty of smaller, more ambient missions out there to take on. This includes things like assaulting a gang hideout, stealing armored cars you happen to run into on the freeway, or just going out for a nice game of golf with your friends.​
If this wasn't enough, Rockstar will constantly add missions and content to GTA Online, plus players can create their own missions using the Creator tools. The long-term aim, as we understand it, is a vibrant self-sustaining community like LBP, but initially the tools will be more limited - like the mission creator in Infamous 2. You'll only be able to make races and death matches at the start, but multi-stage DIY heists should appear at some stage.​
Yet the arc of player progression doesn't end there. With each mission, you'll be racking up a form of experience called RP, or reputation points. The greater your reputation, the more characters you'll meet. The more characters you meet, the more favors you can call on. If you're fleeing from another player, you can call up a buddy to hide your radar blip. If you're looking for work, you can have them send you a list of cars to steal. And if you're truly desperate, you can call up a private security company to quite literally bring in an airstrike.​
The garage looks like a minimalist, gleaming white Apple showroom. You can pay a personal mechanic to fix your cars automatically, or deliver them to any location. As you ogle your motors, you can see their stats for speed, handling etc, before making your choice. We're ready for an impromptu street race through the Vinewood (GTAV's Hollywood) streets at night.

You can set the race marker where you like, and the action unfolds like Midnight Club. At one stage, a car flies past us at a junction being pursued by the police - another human player in trouble, since you exist in the same world. Winning the race nets a modest $80, logging your times to the Social Club and boosting your RP.​
Take vehicles, for example. Now that player-owned vehicles occupy a permanent place in the world--they no longer disappear into the ether when you leave them somewhere--you can insure your fleet of cars to make sure all the money you've spent on upgrading them doesn't go to waste should you happen to encounter any wayward rockets. Things are sure to get even more interesting sometime after launch when the stock market is implemented: Instead of protecting cars, you'll be able to engage in a bit of lighthearted market manipulation by investing your money in a car manufacturer and running around town destroying every one of those models you come across. Suddenly that company is going to be pumping out a whole lot of new cars. Nice time to be a stockholder, eh?

Even those familiar investments, like purchasing an apartment, have been reworked and expanded for GTA Online. Say you're hanging out in your high-rise apartment enjoying the view down below. You spot a flurry of red and blue lights in the distance and decide to see what's going on. So you switch on your TV, tune into the news, and suddenly you're watching your friend fleeing from the police in real-time thanks to the news helicopter flying directly above him. Beyond little touches like this, you can use your apartment for more practical uses, as well--like getting your friends together to go over the details of a heist in your planning room or keeping a watchful eye on your 10-car garage using a closed-circuit security camera feed. Hell, you can even take a shower to wash off the blood after a particularly brutal mission. It's borderline ridiculous just how much Rockstar has done with these player-owned properties.​
We're given a brief glimpse of The Feed. It's like GTA Online's version of twitter, which appears on screen to relay all your emails, texts and messages from Social Club. It's a bit odd that GTA Online doesn't seem to link to actual Twitter - for example, to share an in-game pic taken with your smartphone - but Rockstar seem determined to focus on their Social Club website.​


Zuletzt bearbeitet:



15 Juli 2013
ahhh need collectors!
warum hab ichs bloß verpennt...

Ein Monat noch... es wird alles bisher da gewesene in den Schatten stellen :D


Neu angemeldet

14 Juli 2013
16 Spieler in einer prachtvollen Open World Umgebung mit weiteren NPCs etc. auf Current Gen Hardware? Ich kann mir beim besten Willen nicht vorstellen, wie das flüssig spielbar sein soll.

Bin eigentlich kein großer GTA Fan, aber wenn sie das zum Laufen bringen, würde ich auch zuschlagen. Die Online Komponente sieht sehr spaßig aus.
Ich warte wohl noch ein Weilchen und mache mir Hoffnungen auf einen PC-Port.


creative mind

14 Juli 2013
Okay, findet noch jemand Previews?
Das sind die einzigen die ich hab: CVG | Gamespot
Zuletzt bearbeitet:



15 Juli 2013
Gehe ich richtig in der Annahme, dass GTA V nicht für die PS 4 erscheinen wird?

Kann mir das garnicht vorstellen aber Google sagt mir nichts gegenteiliges.

Wäre sehr enttäuschend ..


creative mind

14 Juli 2013
Im Moment, ja, kein Release für PS4.

Edit: Okay, GTA Online im OP eingefügt, Previews beim OP und den oberen Post hinzugefügt.
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ist überreif..

16 Juli 2013
Ich hoffe das Handling der Fahrzeuge wird nicht so beschissen sein wie in GTA 4



15 Juli 2013
Aber erscheint es für die PS3? Ist die PS4 nicht abwärtskompatibel?


creative mind

14 Juli 2013
Ja, es erscheint für die PS3. Nein, die PS4 hat keine native Backward compatibility. Gaikai Support für die PS4 wird es erst ab 2014 geben, welche Spiele dann über einen Stream spielbar werden ist noch nicht bekannt.



15 Juli 2013

Für die PS 3 erscheint es definitiv.
Und die PS 4 wird NICHT abwärtskompatibel sein,was ich ehrlich gesagt zum Heulen finde.

Ich habe aber gelesen, dass es eine Art Cloud Dienst geben wird, aus welcher man alte Spiele heraus spielen kann.

Eine Art Spiele-Stream?

Edit/ da war schon wer schneller :)


creative mind

14 Juli 2013
Nein, es ist nicht einfach, da Cell vollkommen anders aufgebaut ist.

Nintendo hat sich mit der Wii U für native Unterstützung entschieden, weshalb man nicht auf x86 gewechselt ist, Sony war dieser Schritt hingegen wichtig, weshalb man auf PS1, 2 und 3 Kompatibilität verzichtet hat.
Da Sony, Cell Chips nun aber in 22nm fertigen kann, könnte es vielleicht noch etwas geben..



15 Juli 2013
ot: War ja auch immer ein Bonuspunkt bei der Playstation bisher, die abwärtskompatibilität


creative mind

14 Juli 2013
Mh? Microsoft hat noch nicht so viele Konsole rausgebracht und die BC der 360 war doch gut, online nun mal hin oder her. Nintendo sowieso toll. Also den Punkt sehe ich jetzt nicht, gerade Sony hat doch mit dem zurückziehen der PS2 Kompatibilität bei der PlayStation 3 sich keine tollen Pluspunkte gemacht..

Ist aber nun mal ein Schritt der vielleicht einfach nötig ist, die Vita kann auch keine UMDs abspielen und da ist jeder froh drüber.

Die Previews sind, selbst wenn einen das Spiel nicht interessiert *hust_ich*, ein Must Read.
Wirklich sehr gute Ideen dahinter, allerdings auch sehr hoch gesetzt, könnte schwieirg werden.