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[Sammelthread] The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD


creative mind

14 Juli 2013
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  • #22
Das sind Early Build Bilder, mit welchen da ein Vergleich aufgestellt wurde, mittlerweile sehen diese Szenen noch mal wesentlich anders aus.
Alles andere (zusätzliche) wird ja in den ofiiziellen Informationen erklärt, welche nicht schwer zu finden sind, wenn ich sie extra im OP habe.



Die kleine Hilfe

14 Juli 2013
Die Spiele, die es momentan für die Wii U gibt, finde ich sehr gut. Es sind noch nicht so viele und ein paar werden nachgeliefert, aber für mich ist das in Ordnung, da ich auch ein paar Wii-Spiele nachholen würde. Außerdem: Mii-Verse!! :D
Wind Waker HD sieht unheimlich gut aus. Das Spiel alleine ist vielleicht kein Kaufargument, aber ein paar neidische Blicke wird es auf sich ziehen^^

Gruß Sasuke


creative mind

14 Juli 2013
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  • #24
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD Offers a Definitive Experience (US Gamer)

The changes in Wind Waker feel so significant that, in many ways, you could possibly even dub this the definitive version, because some people live in a circle of absolute extremes. I’ve rarely left a preview demo glowing about a game, but Wind Waker HD seemed to buck that trend.
By now you’ve probably heard all about the GamePad functionality – including off-screen play – the drag and drop menu interface, and sped up animations – like how the grappling hook quickly wraps around a latch.
But there’s more, like the revamped Triforce hunt, a late game quest that caused even hardcore Zelda purists to cry foul over the past decade.

Nintendo has streamlined this divisive quest to speed up the later sections of Wind Waker. But how much faster is it really? The original required players to find and translate eight IN-credible charts, and seek the assistance of the whimsical Tingle, who would then charge 201 Rupees for each translation. According to a representative on-site, five Triforce pieces can now be grabbed directly, and only the remaining three will require translated charts.
But what else has Nintendo altered in this remake? Well, they introduced Hero Mode. Similar to the mode of the same name in Skyward Sword, it will present Wind Waker experts with a more difficult version of the game. Enemies hit harder and health can only be regained through the use of potions. Also, surprisingly, this Hero Mode is also available for players right from the start of the game and can be switched on or off at file select screen.
The Picto Box, an in-game camera predominantly used for side-quests in the original version, has also received significant upgrades. Of course, the upgraded camera could still be used to snap photos of unsuspecting villagers or enemies, and those pictures can live on Miiverse. But Link can also take funny self-photographs -- possibly a sign from these social media influenced times. Players can switch between happy, sad, and surprised emotions before they take a snapshot. And it’s easy to see Miiverse contributors create hilarious moments to share online.
Lastly there’s the Swift Sail, an upgraded canvas with a red insignia that speeds up all the boat-based travel, allowing players to quickly steer and sail in any direction regardless of the wind. According to a rep at my demo, the Swift Sail can be acquired at the auction house after completion of the first dungeon. However, there won’t be an alert via an in-game prompt to signal the special sails availability.
I switch over to Link's bow and arrow and took careful aim in the first-person view by tilting the Wii U Game Pad just so and started taking out enemies from across the room. And then I noticed that Link now has a newly acquired ability to move while in first-person mode rather than being limited to panning around. So I stayed in first-person mode, plinking bad guys from a distance and shooting them again when they recovered. I completely cleared out the walkways above the temple's floor this way, switching to melee controls only when an armored Darknut began bearing down on me. But once his armor was off, a brace of arrows took him down.

What really struck me is not that Wind Waker works as an FPS but rather that it works damn well. Speaking as someone who's spent 150 hours or so firing enchanted bolts into bandit hordes in Skyrim, I found Link's enhanced archery skills to be every bit as second-nature as his dynamic swordplay. I take back some of my recent criticisms of Wii U's Game Pad; while it still has its issues, it works beautifully for first-person gun- (and arrow-) play.
The new HD art and bloom lighting look impressive, but they subtract some of the cell-shaded magic that made Wind Waker feel like a playable cartoon. Noticeably, the shadows don’t look as dark in this version and gently wrap around Link and the other characters of the game. Most of the environments, the sepia tinted castle, and even the Great Sea don’t suffer any changes from this new lighting model -- in fact they look much better than the originals -- but Link and the other beautiful and expressive characters of Wind Waker definitely took some getting used to.

Na das klingt doch supi :)

Edit: Hero Mode Trailer nun offiziell released, s.u.
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creative mind

14 Juli 2013
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Also ich war auch wirklich sehr kritisch, ob sich dieser HD Port wirklich lohnt und überhaupt nötig ist, aber diese Änderungen sich wirklich toll und einfach überzeugend, freu mich mega auf das Spiel.



14 Juli 2013
Ich freute mich richtig auf das Bundle mit der Wii U und was ist dann? Das Spiel ist nur als Downloadcode dabei. :m
Wie ich sowas hasse, ich will meine Spiele im Regal stehen haben.


creative mind

14 Juli 2013
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  • #28

Gamespot (Martin Gaston) schrieb:
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD is a loving restoration of a bold and beautiful adventure, with Nintendo shifting some elements of the original game's aesthetic, and streamlining the pace where it had occasionally sagged. The Wind Waker is a game about a young hero saving the world from the past actions of old men, but its HD update reaffirms that Nintendo's most colorful Zelda game remains timeless.
IGN (Jose Otero) schrieb:
As a returning fan, I couldn’t have asked for much of a better treatment. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD holds up as a marvelous game full of unique and wonderful surprises that remind me why it’s the best of the 3D Zeldas. If you’ve never braved this amazing seafaring adventure, the Wii U version offers the definitive way to experience a charming story that’s both charming and elegant.
Eurogamer (Oli Welsh) schrieb:
The Wind Waker is a profoundly beautiful game. Its 'toon-shaded' visuals use flat planes of colour, stylised effects, stark lighting and hugely expressive animation to bring a cartoon world to life all around you. The original has aged so well that some have questioned why Nintendo has gone as far as it has in reworking it for HD. It's true that the softer lighting makes the characters look more three-dimensional at times, breaking the toon illusion, but there are ample compensations. Improved lighting and effects grant the game a far richer atmosphere: the sea air shimmers with haze; you can taste the dust in the Temple of Earth on your tongue. Every line is sharp and the creamy brushwork of the textures is rendered in total clarity.

I think it's gorgeous, and in real terms it looks far better on a modern widescreen TV than the original game does. But unlike Capcom's remaster of Okami, it does represent a subtle yet identifiable change in the game's aesthetic, so purists and collectors of video game art - of which The Wind Waker is such an important and influential example - shouldn't throw away their GameCube discs.

Out in the real world, though, video games are cursed with technical obsolescence, and a game like The Wind Waker - which in any other medium would be an evergreen family entertainment - quickly becomes difficult to find and play. That's even more of a shame when it's such a daring game, made under such pressure and released into the long shadow of a very different predecessor. By the time critics and gamers had stopped arguing and started celebrating it, it was already fading into nostalgic memory, a dream adrift on the waves.

That's not a fitting fate for this Zelda and certainly not for this Link, with all his vivid urgency. It's why we need excellent re-releases like this. Just like its young hero, The Wind Waker is crisp and energetic, spirited and soulful, just a little bit wayward - and it hasn't aged a day.

Das letzliche Embargo endet erst später, aber sieht doch schon gut aus.
Eurogamer hat wirklich eine tolle Review geschrieben, welche sich auch mal lohnt zu lesen.
Dann schaun wir mal was passiert, hoffentlich versendet Game bald, ich bin echt gespannt, Cosmo hat ja auch schon aufgerüstet, also..
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Gelöschter Nutzer3

14 Juli 2013
Ich spiele grade wirklich mit dem Gedanken mir eine WiiU zuzulegen. Nur für das Spiel.. Hmmm...


creative mind

14 Juli 2013
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  • #33
Ja genau, Mitgründer von SpeedRunsLive und momentaner Halter des TWW Records, in welchen er viele Glitches mitendeckt hat.
Der momentane Zwischenstand kann hier eingesehen werden, sofern einem dies ein Begriff ist, da Storage gefixt wurde ändert sich der Run entscheidend. Momentan ist er noch im ersten Rumprobieren, welches später dann mit 100% weitergeht und schließlich im New Game+ genauer unter die Lupe genommen wird.