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[Sammelthread] Grand Theft Auto V


Neu angemeldet

5 Aug. 2013

Special Edition war leider vergriffen und wird erst am 25. wieder geliefert.
Naja, dafür warens nur 50€ ^^



14 Juli 2013
Ohne Mist, heut Mittag klapperte ich die Läden nach GTA 5 ab, keiner wills verkaufen zu dem Zeitpunkt. Dann hört man so ab 17 Uhr eine Welle durch Deutschland fegen und nun hat es fast jeder so wies scheint. Was da los? Wozu Release-Termine festlegen wenn sich eh keiner dran hält?

Muss man damit rechnen das sogar morgen früh keine Kopien mehr da sind?


aka g0regrind

14 Juli 2013
Großraum Nbg
Musste gerade noch Besorgungen machen für die Prag Reise morgen, währenddessen ausm Saturn nen strahlenden
Mann mit GTA 5 Shirt und kleiner Tüte mit rechteckigem Inhalt gespotted. :D Ich denke die Sache ist klar...

Ich bestell dann mal auf amazon.co.uk, oder gibts das irgendwo günstiger?


Die kleine Hilfe

14 Juli 2013
Der Metascore liegt momentan bei 97 (25 Critics) für die PS3-Version und 98 (37 Critics) für die 360-Version.

Gruß Sasuke



Unrealistisches Schadensmodell und flache Fahrmechanik die glatt von GTA San Andreas hätte übernommen worden sein. GTA IV ist wesentlich realistischer in diesen Punkten, und der Charakterwechsel ist in meinen Augen einfach nur beschissen verwirrend.

Toll, scheiße.

Malfunctioning Eddie

life is a roofie circle

14 Juli 2013
Irgendwer ne Ahnung ob man das Spiel wenn es via PSN Store geladen hat jetzt schon Spielen kann?
Mein Neffe heult mir hier grad die Ohren voll^^



15 Juli 2013
Irgendwas ist im Store falsch, steht als 70€ dran kann aber auch für Umsonst gekauft werden.

// War einfach nur Preload und kein Preisfehler.
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creative mind

14 Juli 2013
Musste noch mal weg, daher kam ich erst jetzt dazu:



[based on 37 Critics]

[based on 25 Critics]


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Head north, past the famous Vinewood sign, and the urban sprawl gives way to rolling hills, yawning canyons, and winding rivers. Keep going and the green turns to sepia as you hit the Grand Senora Desert and the town of Sandy Shores, which rests on the banks of the Alamo Sea; a great expanse of water at the foot of the colossal Mt. Chiliad. Climb the dusty trails to its peak and you can see the skyscrapers of downtown Los Santos far in the distance, rising out of the fog. Below, the forests of Blaine County and the sleepy rural town of Paleto Bay. The scale is dizzying.
Open world games are often weighed down by "errand boy syndrome," tasking players with menial jobs that seem beneath the ability of the protagonists or outside the cause of the narrative. While Grand Theft Auto V still has its share of blue-collar work (like towing cars for Franklin's crackhead friend), the majority of the tasks feel more important because you can often see the direct benefit. For example, running weapons across Los Santos may increase the amount of money the airfield you purchased generates. This also applies to the heists serving as the game's centerpiece. Before you can rob the jewelry store, you must case the joint to identify vulnerabilities, hijack a pest control van that provides your crew with cover, buy some masks to conceal your identities, steal a gas canister to deploy through the vents, and procure getaway vehicles.I didn't mind running these errands because I knew the payoff potential.
The diversity of the heists and other missions is also worthy of praise. During my time in Los Santos, I scuba dived into a scientific research center to steal a chemical weapon, infiltrated a burning government agency building posing as a firefighter to steal a hard drive, and fought though a five-star wanted level with military grade weapons. Should you falter during these high-octane scenarios, the forgiving checkpoint system (a much needed improvement over Grand Theft Auto IV) preserves your forward progress rather than forcing you to start missions from scratch.
The main thoroughfare through the game, though, is Rockstar's latest narrative hike up the criminal mountain, except this time it's delivered with a twist: GTA5 has not one but three main characters, each with his own history and goals. Michael's a retired bank robber, bored out of his mind in a Vinewood mansion where his wife flirts with the tennis coach and the kids play video games and hang out with sleazebags. Franklin's more sympathetic - a young black man with a gangster-wannabe best friend and an appetite to learn. Trevor, who we meet later, is a certifiable bad guy who kills people for no reason and is tougher to like.
The missions flit between their individual stories and an overarching plotline that involves all three, and it’s a credit to GTA V’s versatility and universal quality that each character has his share of standout missions. As their arcs developed I felt very differently about each of them at different times – they’re not entirely the archetypes that they seem to be.

This three-character structure makes for excellent pacing and great variety in the storyline, but it also allows Rockstar to compartmentalise different aspects of Grand Theft Auto’s personality. In doing so, it sidesteps some of the troubling disconnect that arose when Niko Bellic abruptly alternated between anti-violent philosophising and sociopathic killing sprees in GTA IV. Here, many of Michael’s missions revolve around his family and his past, Franklin is usually on call for vehicular mayhem, and extreme murderous rampages are left to Trevor. Each has a special ability suited to his skills – Franklin can to slow time while driving, for example – which gives them a unique touch. Narratively, it’s effective – even off-mission I found myself playing in character, acting like a mid-life-crisis guy with anger issues as Michael, a thrill-seeker as Franklin, and a maniac as Trevor. The first thing I did when Franklin finally made some good money was buy him an awesome car, because I felt like that’s what he’d want.
Most of that bluster comes from Trevor. He’s brilliant, blessed with most of the best lines, an unstoppable ball of aggression, hate and pathological violence. He’s the sort of person who’d pick up a hooker then run her over and take his money back, or uppercut a hiker off the top of a mountain. The kind of guy who’d bring an RPG to a knife fight, and who’d wake up on a beach wearing only his underwear and spend a couple of days doing missions in his pants. If Franklin is the lens through which we have traditionally seen Grand Theft Auto and Michael is the story its creator has long wanted to tell, Trevor is the character who best embodies the way tens of millions of GTA fans actually play the game.
The game also has a lot of other activities. There are movie theaters to visit with short, pre-rendered, overly-compressed and badly artifacted "films" you can watch. There's a golf course, complete with a passable little golf game. You can get into tennis. Or take up skydiving. You can take bong rips and watch TV at your house. One side mission has you driving a tow truck and towing specific vehicles back to an impound yard. You can use your phone's built-in web browser to invest in the stock market, complete with a series of assassination missions that allow you to influence said market a little more directly. And so on and so forth. I tried a little bit of everything and found a lot of it to be distracting and largely unnecessary, given the quality of the main story, but if you're going to make an open world game, you might as well fill it up with a bunch of different optional events. But personally, I'm done with checkpoint races in open-world games. This game already has plenty of driving in it without tacking on a ton of additional driving-only missions.
No one makes worlds like Rockstar, but at last it has produced one without compromise. Everything works. It has mechanics good enough to anchor games of their own, and a story that is not only what GTA has always wanted to tell but also fits the way people have always played it. It’s a remarkable achievement, a peerless marriage of world design, storytelling and mechanics that pushes these ageing consoles to the limit and makes it all look easy. As we stand on the brink of a new generation, GTAV sends an intimidating message to the rest of the industry. Beat that.
Sam Houser compared the making of Rockstar’s epic to the troubled production of Francis Ford Coppola’s Apocalypse Now, and in some ways the same result has been met: a product that represents the peak of the blockbuster triple-A form, that realises grand ambition without visible compromise. It’s likely you’re reading this review with the intention of already buying Grand Theft Auto V – indeed, its release is a deserved cultural event, and while this sequel may not be remembered for showing us anything strictly new, this represents the pinnacle of Rockstar’s design ingenuity across every single discipline, a game that absolutely everyone will feel richer for playing.
Five years ago, it looked as though it would've been difficult to make a bigger, more impressive game than Grand Theft Auto IV, but Rockstar didn't just settle for improvements to visuals. Instead, it polished and iterated upon every single element of the game--and the genre. The world is massive and detailed, the gameplay is damn near perfect, and though there are some lackluster side missions, the actual story is filled with memorable personalities that feel more fully-realized than even the best of GTA's previous characters. It's a remarkable example of open-world gaming at it's finest, and while it doesn't reinvent the genre or do anything all that new, it does so much so well that it's hard to find flaws in Rockstar's massive blockbuster.
Grand Theft Auto 5 is an ambitious game, attempting to meld three very different characters together to tell one encompassing story of survival in what amounts to the worst place in America. That story stumbles, but the open-ended gameplay remains a showpiece for the vast amount of content that can be poured into a virtual world.
GTA 5 is a bridge between games' present and the future

Rockstar has expanded and improved upon so much of what's special about video games as mainstream spectacles, from the playful use of characters to the refined take on world design. The developer's progress makes the aspects of the game left in cultural stasis — the poorly drawn women, the empty cynicism, the unnecessarily excessive cruelty — especially agitating.

It's fitting that the game arrives at the cusp of the next generation of consoles. Grand Theft Auto 5 is the closure of this generation, and the benchmark for the next. Here is a game caught occasionally for the worst, but overwhelmingly for the better, between the present and the future.
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14 Juli 2013
Ich mag weder die Xbox 360, noch GTA, weil mir ein Kollege ständig mit beidem auf die Nerven geht, also fand ich das hier sehr belustigend: https://twitter.com/RockstarSupport/statuses/379493174768439296

Rockstar rät davon ab, daß man die zweite CD auch installiert, weil sonst das Spiel dermaßen scheiße laufen soll, daß sie es für nötig befinden, das zu kommunizieren.
Was für ein Pfusch... :-D Wofür kann man denn sonst Sachen installieren?
Und wenn ich ans tierisch laute CD-Laufwerk vom Kollegen denke, dann weiß ich jetzt schon, wo ich die nächsten Monate ganz sicher nicht bin. :-D (wobei eh die Frage ist, ob sein China-Netzteil nicht eh sein Laufwerk übertönt)

So, jetzt hab ich gelästert und ihr dürft wieder Rockstar und GTA in den Himmel loben. ;-)

Edit: Aber ich geb zu, es hat wohl ein paar ganz nette Features. :-p


Neu angemeldet

14 Juli 2013
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #190
Die Framerate ist manchmal echt bescheiden, aber ansonsten ist das Game der Hammer.

Was die Fahrphysik und das Schadensmodell angeht, muss ich der Kritik aber zustimmen.


ist am lAchen

24 Juli 2013
Wenn ic es richtig übersetzt habe kann man damit (chop the dog) seinen Hund von unterwegs pflegen und füttern.:confused:

Richtig. Du kannst Chop versorgen, mit ihm spielen und mit ihm Gassi gehen. Dies wirkt sich dann auf sein Verhalten bzw seine Fähigkeiten ingame aus, wenn du ihn mal bei dir hast. (Er begleitet dich wenn du darum gebeten wirst, auf ihn aufzupassen).

Ebenso kann man sich ein Auto auswählen und dieses dann tunen. Anschließend kann man das neu gestaltete KFZ kaufen und dieses wird dann ins Spiel zu dem Unterschlupf des momentan gespielten Charakters geliefert :T
Eigenkreationen können über den SocialClub geteilt werden.
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Genitiv ins Wasser

19 Juli 2013
Gibt's einen Grund dafür, dass es bei Amazon nun auch nur 50 Euro kostet? Bei Vorbestellern, die es für 70 Euro gekauft haben, werden auch entweder nur 50 abgebucht oder 20 zurück gezahlt.


ist am lAchen

24 Juli 2013
Meines Wissens nach nicht.

Ich habe zwei Spiele vorbestellt und habe jetzt schon jeweils zum zweiten mal eine Mail bekommen, dass der Preis gesenkt wurde.
Einmal von 70 auf 60, danach von 60 auf 50 Euro.
Die Differenz wird dir zurück gezahlt.

Habe mein zweites Objekt heute für 70€ verkauft und dadurch 20€ Gewinn gemacht :D ( und das alles obwohl das zweite Game einfach nur aus purer Dummheit gekauft wurde ^^ )


Genitiv ins Wasser

19 Juli 2013
Ja mein Kumpel hat zu dem Zeitpunkt aber vorbestellt wo noch 69 eingetragen waren. Abgebucht wurde jedoch der momentane Preis von 50.


Neu angemeldet

24 Aug. 2013
Also ich bin noch sehr stark am überlegen, ob ichs mir nicht doch für meine PS3 holen soll... Aber das bekackte Aiming mit Controller bei GTA IV hat mich so abgeschreckt, dass ich eig vorhatte, auf die PC-Version zu warten. Aber eigentlich will ich es jetzt spielen .... :unknown:


ist am lAchen

24 Juli 2013

Scheint dann unterschiedlich zu sein. Mir wurden bisher 2x 70 Euro abgebucht. Die insgesammt 40 Euro Nachlass werden wohl morgen kommen.



15 Juli 2013
Gibt's einen Grund dafür, dass es bei Amazon nun auch nur 50 Euro kostet? Bei Vorbestellern, die es für 70 Euro gekauft haben, werden auch entweder nur 50 abgebucht oder 20 zurück gezahlt.

Das Spiel kostet bei Media Markt Bundesweit 50€ und Amazon ist wohl mitgezogen.