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Reading list for American learning die deutsche Sprache


Neu angemeldet

30 Jan. 2014
I am looking for recommendations, and also suggestions as to where to purchase deutsche Bücher online.

If someone could give me some information based on my interests, I would very much appreciate it.

It has always been difficult for me to find books that I really enjoy. I have always enjoyed reading ( I read much when I was a child), but I lose interest in many books.

I began reading Grimms Märchen a few months ago, but epiphora cautioned me that reading outdated language when one is learning die deutsche Sprache may not be good.

I sometimes read deutsche Nachrichten online (and also read subtitles on deutsche Nachtrichten video). I also read die deutsche Sprache on this board, and when doing the exercises from the online deutsche course I'm using.

The English language books I most like to read are:
Fiction, fairy tales, science fiction. I have read many Star Trek novels but more recently I've read Stargate SG-1 novels (Although I doubt the Stargate novels have yet been translated to Deutsch).

Specific titles of some of my favorite books:
Memories By Mike McQuay
Millenium By John Varley
Of Mice and Men By John Steinbeck
East of Eden By John Steinbeck

I never became very interested in Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter (movies or books). I generally don't like Fantasy (dragons, magic), but I've always enjoyed Greek and Roman mythology. I have also liked stories centering around King Arthur and the Knights of the Round table.

Regarding fiction, I read mostly science fiction. I don't read crime fiction, or mysteries. I have to say that my range of interest in "plain" fiction is very limited.

I like history books but I much rather enjoy biographies.

I started learning the piano over 2 years ago, and right now I'd be interested in biographies of composers such as Mozart, Brahms, Bach, Beethoven, etc (forgive me if I forgot anyone :)

I can't think of anything else right now.

I'm also open to trying some short stories.

Oh, I've enjoyed some of John Lennon's writings. But with his surrealistic type of wit, I should probably avoid attempting to read a deutsche Übersetzung. :)

To summarize, I am looking for Bücher or texts which are written in the modern deutsche Sprache. I prefer to read offline with the actual book or text, and not from a computer screen. But links to free online reading resources would also be welcome.

I often buy books on Ebay or Amazon but am open to other online retailers.

Regarding the language used when replying to this post, please use whatever language you prefer. I understand English best, and if I'm unable to understand your Deutsch well enough, I'll use Google Translate.

Thank you, in advance.


Badass No. 1

16 Juli 2013
Kannst du auf Amazon keine deutschen Bücher kaufen?
Auf der deutschen Amazon-Seite kann man "fremdsprachige Bücher" auswählen.

Wenn du noch Probleme mit dem Lesen und Verstehen der deutschen Sprache hast, kannst du ja ein Buch, das du bereits auf english gelesen hast auf deutsch lesen.
Da du denn Inhalt ja bereits kennst, kannst du dir Wörter die du nicht verstehst anhand des Inhaltes erklären.

English Translation
Maybe you can purchase the books on Amazone? On the german Side you can choose "Books in other languages".

If you have problems by reading and understanding the german language, you can read a book which you already have read in english.
So if you don't understand a word or an sentence, you could guess it by the content of the book because you already know the story.


Neu angemeldet

30 Jan. 2014
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Guter Einfall.

I should check at my local library before I spend money on books I've never read.

Any noteworthy deutsche authors I should check out?


Wird jetzt vernünftig.

13 Juli 2013

Sebastian Fitzek - (Psychothriller). One of the most famous german authors. If you have a eBook reader you can download it here. Or you read it at your computer with Calibre, sigil or another ePub Reader.

Richard Schwartz is another german author for fantasy books. Look here for a download. Another author is Markus Heitz, he writes fantasy too. You find his books here.

If you don't like Fantasy or Thriller, look at Frank Schätzing with "Der Schwarm" or Bernhard Schlink with "Der Vorleser" or Timur Vermes with "Er ist wieder da". Or Wolfgang Hohlbein, he writes Fantasy too.



Neu angemeldet

30 Jan. 2014
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  • #5
Danke. I am interested in certain types of Fantasy. I'll have a look.



19 Juli 2013
Perhaps nobody can tell you to your perfect satisfaction.

Try the other way: Look for the favorite american or english authors , you prefer.

After that go to German Wikipedia (or Amazon) and check up if there are german editions and the titles of.

Must not necessarily be books you've read before in English.

Otherwise look at this Amazon- Link German Fantasy authors

Probably they are in english editions available. You can search them, and read the arguments or if it's a page-turner



Wird jetzt vernünftig.

13 Juli 2013
Okay, if you like fantasy look at these books:

Michael Peinkofer - Die Zauberer (Part 1), Die Zauberer - Die erste Schlacht (Part 2), Die Zauberer - Das dunkle Feuer (Part 3)
Bernard Hennen - Der Elfenzyklus (here)
Markus Heitz - Die Zwerge / Ulduart



Neu angemeldet

30 Jan. 2014
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  • #8
Perhaps nobody can tell you to your perfect satisfaction.

Try the other way: Look for the favorite american or english authors , you prefer.

Danke. I will try both ways. :)

@Fhynn: Danke nochmals. I believe I have enough information now.
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