• Hallo liebe Userinnen und User,

    nach bereits längeren Planungen und Vorbereitungen sind wir nun von vBulletin auf Xenforo umgestiegen. Die Umstellung musste leider aufgrund der Serverprobleme der letzten Tage notgedrungen vorverlegt werden. Das neue Forum ist soweit voll funktionsfähig, allerdings sind noch nicht alle der gewohnten Funktionen vorhanden. Nach Möglichkeit werden wir sie in den nächsten Wochen nachrüsten. Dafür sollte es nun einige der Probleme lösen, die wir in den letzten Tagen, Wochen und Monaten hatten. Auch der Server ist nun potenter als bei unserem alten Hoster, wodurch wir nun langfristig den Tank mit Bytes vollgetankt haben.

    Anfangs mag die neue Boardsoftware etwas ungewohnt sein, aber man findet sich recht schnell ein. Wir wissen, dass ihr alle Gewohnheitstiere seid, aber gebt dem neuen Board eine Chance.
    Sollte etwas der neuen oder auch gewohnten Funktionen unklar sein, könnt ihr den "Wo issn da der Button zu"-Thread im Feedback nutzen. Bugs meldet ihr bitte im Bugtracker, es wird sicher welche geben die uns noch nicht aufgefallen sind. Ich werde das dann versuchen, halbwegs im Startbeitrag übersichtlich zu halten, was an Arbeit noch aussteht.

    Neu ist, dass die Boardsoftware deutlich besser für Mobiltelefone und diverse Endgeräte geeignet ist und nun auch im mobilen Style alle Funktionen verfügbar sind. Am Desktop findet ihr oben rechts sowohl den Umschalter zwischen hellem und dunklem Style. Am Handy ist der Hell-/Dunkelschalter am Ende der Seite. Damit sollte zukünftig jeder sein Board so konfigurieren können, wie es ihm am liebsten ist.

    Die restlichen Funktionen sollten eigentlich soweit wie gewohnt funktionieren. Einfach mal ein wenig damit spielen oder bei Unklarheiten im Thread nachfragen. Viel Spaß im ngb 2.0.

xORs Workshop (Hand)verschlüsslung in Code


Veteran Barkeeper

3 Aug. 2014

Hallo in die Runde!

xOR hatte in seinem Workshop (Definition in Post 8) hier im Off-Topic Bereich eine Verschlüsslung vorgestellt, welche eigentlich eine Handverschlüsslung sein soll. Sich jedoch auch gut am Computer umsetzen lässt. Diese basiert auf einem Polibius Quadrat in Kombinationen mit einem Doppelwürfe. Das Thema hatte mich aber irgendwie so gepackt, dass ich mir vorgenommen habe diese umzusetzen.

Die Umsetzung ist in C. Den Quelltext stelle ich gern zu Verfügung, unter dem Einwand, das bei jeglicher Nutzung auf dieses Thema verlinkt wird, welches wiederum auf den Workshop verweist, da ich mir diese Verschlüsslung nicht selbst ausgedacht habe und es lediglich in Code umgesetzt habe. Einzelne Code Abschnitte fallen auch unter diese Nutzung und sind bitte auszuweisen.

Nachdem ein wenig "rechtliches" pöapö gemacht wurde mit Bitte auf Verweis, folgend der Quelltext inklusive Hinweis wie das Programm genutzt werden kann!

Es handelt sich um einen Konsolenanwendung.

[src=text]Programm_name.exe -e pfefferundsalz gurkensalat ohnetomate -irawtext.txt -oencrypted.txt
Programm_name.exe -d pfefferundsalz gurkensalat ohnetomate -iencrypted.txt -odecrypted.txt[/src]

Parametererklärung (Reihenfolge bis auf * egal):
-e (Encrypt) / -d (Decypt), [Keybase, PasswordOne, PasswordTwo]*, -i (Input Datei), -o (Ausgabedatei)

* [Parameter] sind immer Keybase, erster (crypten) Password, ist das zweite beim rückwärtsschritt beim decrypten, Password zwei.

wenn man die Ausgabe nicht speichern, aber am Bildschirm haben will, gibt man "-v" für (Verbose) ein, funktioniert bei "-e" (Encrypt, Standard) und "-d" (Decrypt) aufrufen.

Eine Eingabedatei muß immer genutzt werden. Ausgabe ist nur notwendig wenn kein "-v" genutzt wird.

Fragen zum Code versuche ich gern zu beantworten, falls vorhanden - aber über Feedback würde ich mich natürlich auch freuen - oder falls jemand eine eigene Umsetzung machen will oder ähnliches. :)

Nur noch eine Anmerkung, die FLAT-Funktionen verwenden einen String anstelle eines Mehrdimensionalen Array, daher auch das doppelte Aufreten.
Im Grunde reichen für alle die "flat" Varianten... diese werden auch im Quelltext verwendet.

Und nun viel Quelltext, leider scheint das Board aber auch eine Begrenzung bezüglich des Highlightings zu haben.

1) Die Code Parts sind jetzt aufgeteilt.
2) Der Quelltext ist im gesamten im Anhang!

// Umsetzung von/Created from xOR, made in C by theSplit:
// https://ngb.to/threads/26584-Workshop-Hand-Verschl%C3%BCsselung
// Bitte bei Nutzung des/von Teilen des Quellcodes auf dieses Thema hinweisen!
// bzw. auf:
// /Please add a note where the code is from if you use parts or the source itself.
// Refer to this topic:
// https://ngb.to/threads/27001-xORs-Workshop-%28Hand%29verschl%C3%BCsslung-in-Code?p=744503#post744503
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <ctype.h> // tolower
#include <math.h> // ceil
#include <time.h> // time

// Encrypt/Decrypt base
void strip_key_base(const char[], char[]);
void make_polibius_square(char[], const char[], const char[]);

void make_dices(const char[], char[3][11]);
void fill_up_dices(char[3][11], const char[]);

// Flat functions produce a single string versus the usage of an
// two dimensional array in make_dices/fill_up_dices
void make_flat_dices(const char[], char[]);
void fill_up_dices_flat(char[], const char[]);

// Helper function to generate dice order from passwords for the Doppelwürfel
char* generate_double_dice_order(const char[], const char[]);

// Encrypt
void encrypt_decimal_representation(const char[], const char[3][11], char[]);
void encrypt_decimal_representation_flat(const char[], const char[], char[]);
void encrypt_string_representation(char[], const char[], const char[]);
void encrypt_double_dice(const char[], const char[], char[]);

// Decrypt
void decrypt_double_dice(const char[], const char[], char[]);
void decrypt_string_representation(char[], const char[], const char[]);
void decrypt_decimal_representation(const char[], const char[], char[]);

char* encrypt(const char[], const char[], const char[], const char[], const bool, const char*, const char*);
char* decrypt(const char[], const char[], const char[], const char[], const bool, const char*, const char*);

[src=c]int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

bool DOENCRPYT = true; // Should we encrypt, default true
bool DODECRYPT = false; // Should we decrypt, default false
bool SHOWSTEPS = false; // Should we show the working steps, default false
char* inputFileName = NULL;
char* outputFileName = NULL;

char* keyBase = NULL;
char* passwordOne = NULL;
char* passwordTwo = NULL;

for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
if (argv[0] == '-') {
switch (argv[1]) {
case 'e':
case 'd':
DOENCRPYT = false;
case 'v':
case 'i':
inputFileName = malloc((strlen(argv) - 1) * sizeof(char));
strcpy(inputFileName, &argv[2]);

FILE* inputFile = fopen(inputFileName, "r");
if (inputFile != NULL) {
} else {
printf("[ERROR] Cannot open input file \"%s\", not present?\n", inputFileName);

case 'o':
outputFileName = malloc((strlen(argv) - 1) * sizeof(char));
strcpy(outputFileName, &argv[2]);

FILE *outputFile = fopen(outputFileName, "r");
if (outputFile != NULL) {
printf("[STATUS] Removed output file \"%s\" while beeing present.\n", outputFileName);

} else {
if (keyBase == NULL) {
keyBase = malloc(strlen(argv) * sizeof(char));
strcpy(keyBase, argv);
} else if (passwordOne == NULL) {
passwordOne = malloc(strlen(argv) * sizeof(char));
strcpy(passwordOne, argv);
} else if (passwordTwo == NULL) {
passwordTwo = malloc(strlen(argv) * sizeof(char));
strcpy(passwordTwo, argv);
} else {
printf("[ERROR] Too much unlabeled arguments, need: KeyBase PasswordOne PasswordTwo\n");



if (keyBase == NULL) {
printf("[ERROR] No key base password specified.\n");
} else if (passwordOne == NULL) {
printf("[ERROR] No first dice password specified.\n");

} else if (passwordTwo == NULL) {
printf("[ERROR] No second dice password specified.\n");


if (inputFileName == NULL) {
printf("[ERROR] No input file name declared.\n");

if (!SHOWSTEPS && outputFileName == NULL) {
printf("[ERROR] No output file name declared using \"-oFILENAME\" and not beeing verbose using \"-v\" switch.\n");

// Generate the alphabet to work with - shared by encryption/decryption and
// some function do need this as parameter to work with
char asciiLowercase[27];
for (int i = 97, j = 0; i < 123; i++) {
asciiLowercase[j++] = (char) i;
asciiLowercase[26] = '\0';

// Encrypt and decrypt calls
char *output = encrypt(asciiLowercase, keyBase, passwordOne, passwordTwo, SHOWSTEPS, inputFileName, outputFileName);

if (output != NULL && outputFileName != NULL) {
FILE *outputFile = fopen(outputFileName, "w");

if (outputFile == NULL) {
printf("[ERROR] Cannot open output file for writing when encrypting.");
} else {
char outputChar = '\0';
int i = 0;

while ((outputChar = output[i++]) != '\0') {
fputc(outputChar, outputFile);


if (output != NULL) {

char *output = decrypt(asciiLowercase, keyBase, passwordTwo, passwordOne, SHOWSTEPS, inputFileName, outputFileName);

if (output != NULL && outputFileName != NULL) {
FILE *outputFile = fopen(outputFileName, "w+");

if (outputFile == NULL) {
printf("[ERROR] Cannot open output file for writing. Decrypting.");
} else {
char outputChar = '\0';
int i = 0;

while ((outputChar = output[i++]) != '\0') {
fputc(outputChar, outputFile);


if (output != NULL) {

if (inputFileName != NULL) {

if (outputFileName != NULL) {

if (keyBase != NULL) {

if (passwordOne != NULL) {

if (passwordTwo != NULL) {


// Main encrypt and decrypt functions

char* encrypt(const char asciiLowercase[], const char keyBase[], const char passwordOne[], const char passwordTwo[], const bool SHOWSTEPS, const char* inputFileName, const char* outputFileName) {
// Encryption

printf("\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nENCRYPTION STARTING\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n");

// [STEP 1] - Generate strapped password from input keyBase
char keyStrapped[strlen(keyBase)];
strip_key_base(keyBase, keyStrapped);

printf("[Step 1] Keyphrase generation\nKeyBase...: %s\nKeyStrap..: %s\n\n", keyBase, keyStrapped);

// [STEP 2] - Generate polibius_square lowercase
char polibiusSquare[26];
make_polibius_square(polibiusSquare, keyStrapped, asciiLowercase);

printf("[Step 2] Polibius_square\n%s\n\n", polibiusSquare);

// [STEP 3] Generate dices
12345 12345
1 pferu 1 pferu 0 pnz iqf dbj
2 ndsal 2 ndsal 1 tes ckv rag
3 zbcgh 3 zbcgh => 2 mwu lho x__
4 ijkmo 4 ijkmo
5 tvwxy 5 qtvwx


-1- -2- -3-
123 123 123
1 pnzitfdbj
2 vesckwrag
3 mxulhoyq_

char dices[3][11];
make_dices(polibiusSquare, dices);

printf("[Step 3] Initial dices\n[1] %s\n[2] %s\n[3] %s\n\n", dices[0], dices[1], dices[2]);

// Flat dices in one string
char dicesFlat[strlen(polibiusSquare)+1];
make_flat_dices(polibiusSquare, dicesFlat);

// Only output
printf("[Test 3] Flat dices (one string)\n");
char fdc = '\0';

for (int i = 0, k = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
printf("%d. ", i+1);

while ((fdc = dicesFlat[k++]) != '\0') {
printf("%c", fdc);

if (k % 9 == 0) {


// Output end


// [STEP 4] Fill up with alphabet letters [optional?]

[1] pnz iqf dbj
[2] tes ckv rag
[3] mwu lho x__


[1] pnz iqf dbj
[2] tes ckv rag
[3] mwu lho xy_


fill_up_dices(dices, asciiLowercase);

printf("[Step 4] Filled dices\n[1] %s\n[2] %s\n[3] %s\n\n", dices[0], dices[1], dices[2]);

fill_up_dices_flat(dicesFlat, asciiLowercase);

// Only output
printf("[Test 4] Filled flat dices (one string)\n");
char fdc = '\0';

for (int i = 0, k = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
printf("%d. ", i+1);

while ((fdc = dicesFlat[k++]) != '\0') {
printf("%c", fdc);

if (k % 9 == 0) {


// Output end

// [STEP 5] - Translation to decimal
// Example: "no more secrets"


-1- -2- -3-
123 123 123
1 pnz itf dbj
2 ves ckw rag
3 mxu lho yq_

n o _ m o r e _ s e c r e t s
=> 112-233-333-131-233-321-122-333-123-122-221-321-122-121-123

// Read input from file
FILE* inputFile = fopen(inputFileName, "r");
char* inputData = malloc(512);
char inputChar = '\0';
unsigned int dataIndex = 0;

while ((inputChar = fgetc(inputFile)) != EOF) {
inputData[dataIndex++] = inputChar;

if (dataIndex % 512 == 0) {
inputData = (char*) realloc(inputData, (dataIndex + 512) * sizeof(char));

inputData[dataIndex] = '\0';

char decimalRepresation[(strlen(inputData)* 3)+1];
decimalRepresation[0] = '\0';
encrypt_decimal_representation(inputData, dices, decimalRepresation);

printf("[Step 5] Decimal representation\nCiphertext: %s\n\n", inputData);
for (int i = 0, j = strlen(decimalRepresation); i < j; i += 3) {
if (i != 0) {
printf("-%c%c%c", decimalRepresation, decimalRepresation[i+1], decimalRepresation[i+2]);
} else {
printf("%c%c%c", decimalRepresation, decimalRepresation[i+1], decimalRepresation[i+2]);


// Flat decimal generator
char decimalRepresation_flat[(strlen(inputData)* 3)+1];
decimalRepresation_flat[0] = '\0';
encrypt_decimal_representation_flat(inputData, dicesFlat, decimalRepresation_flat);

printf("[Test 5] Decimal representation flat\n");
for (int i = 0, j = strlen(decimalRepresation_flat); i < j; i += 3) {
if (i != 0) {
printf("-%c%c%c", decimalRepresation_flat, decimalRepresation_flat[i+1], decimalRepresation_flat[i+2]);
} else {
printf("%c%c%c", decimalRepresation_flat, decimalRepresation_flat[i+1], decimalRepresation_flat[i+2]);


// [STEP 6] Randomizing decimal representation
1 2 3
a b c
d e f
g h i
j k l
m n o
p q r
s t u
v w x
y z

char stringedRepresentation[strlen(decimalRepresation)+1];
encrypt_string_representation(stringedRepresentation, asciiLowercase, decimalRepresation);

printf("[Step 6] Stringed representation\n");
for (int i = 0, j = strlen(stringedRepresentation); i < j; i += 3) {
if (i > 0) {
printf("-%c%c%c", stringedRepresentation, stringedRepresentation[i+1], stringedRepresentation[i+2]);
} else {
printf("%c%c%c", stringedRepresentation, stringedRepresentation[i+1], stringedRepresentation[i+2]);


// [STEP 7] "Doppelwürfel"




char *passOrderOne = generate_double_dice_order(passwordOne, asciiLowercase);
char *passOrderTwo = generate_double_dice_order(passwordTwo, asciiLowercase);

int cipherLength = strlen(stringedRepresentation)+1;

char tmpData[cipherLength];
char* encryptedOutput = malloc(cipherLength * sizeof(char));

printf("[Step 7.1] Generate the \"Doppelwürfel\"\n%s\n%s\n\n", passwordOne, passOrderOne);
printf("%s\n%s\n\n", passwordTwo, passOrderTwo);

encrypt_double_dice(stringedRepresentation, passOrderOne, tmpData);
encrypt_double_dice(tmpData, passOrderTwo, encryptedOutput);

// Just output
printf("[Step 7.2] Generate the dice encryption\n");

char tmpChar = '\0';
int tmpKey = 0;
int tmpKeyLength = 0;
int tmpItems = 0;

printf("[Round 1]\n%s\n%s\n---------------------------\n", passOrderOne, passwordOne);
tmpKeyLength = strlen(passwordOne);
tmpItems = tmpKeyLength;
for (int i = 0, j = (int) ceil(strlen(stringedRepresentation) / tmpKeyLength); i < j+1; ++i) {
int tmpKeyEnd = tmpKey + tmpItems;

while ((tmpChar = stringedRepresentation[(tmpKey++)]) != '\0') {
printf("%c", tmpChar);
if (tmpKey == tmpKeyEnd) {



printf("[Round 1] Result\n%s\n\n", tmpData);


tmpChar = '\0';
tmpKey = 0;
tmpKeyLength = 0;
tmpItems = 0;

printf("[Round 2]\n%s\n%s\n---------------------------\n", passOrderTwo, passwordTwo);
tmpKeyLength = strlen(passwordTwo);
tmpItems = tmpKeyLength;
for (int i = 0, j = (int) ceil(strlen(tmpData) / tmpKeyLength); i < j+1; ++i) {
int tmpKeyEnd = tmpKey + tmpItems;

while ((tmpChar = tmpData[(tmpKey++)]) != '\0') {
printf("%c", tmpChar);
if (tmpKey == tmpKeyEnd) {



printf("\n[Step 7.3] Final output\n%s\n\n\n", encryptedOutput);
//Output end

if (passOrderOne != NULL) {

if (passOrderTwo != NULL) {

return encryptedOutput;

[src=c]char* decrypt(const char asciiLowercase[], const char keyBase[], const char decryptPassOne[], const char decryptPassTwo[], const bool SHOWSTEPS, const char* inputFileName, const char* outputFileName) {
// Decryption start

printf("\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nDECRYPTION STARTING\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n");

// Read input from file
FILE* inputFile = fopen(inputFileName, "r");
char* inputData = malloc(512);
char inputChar = '\0';
unsigned int dataIndex = 0;

while ((inputChar = fgetc(inputFile)) != EOF) {
inputData[dataIndex++] = inputChar;

if (dataIndex != 0 && dataIndex % 512 == 0) {
inputData = (char*) realloc(inputData, ((dataIndex + 512)+1) * sizeof(char));


inputData[dataIndex] = '\0';

char decryptInput[strlen(inputData)+1];
strcpy(decryptInput, inputData);

char decryptStageOne[strlen(decryptInput)+1];
char decryptStageTwo[strlen(decryptInput)+1];

strcpy(decryptStageOne, decryptInput);
strcpy(decryptStageTwo, decryptInput);


char *decryptOrderOne = generate_double_dice_order(decryptPassOne, asciiLowercase);
char *decryptOrderTwo = generate_double_dice_order(decryptPassTwo, asciiLowercase);
char decryptStrapped[strlen(keyBase)+1];
strip_key_base(keyBase, decryptStrapped);

printf("[Step 1] Keyphrase generation\nKeyBase...: %s\nKeyStrap..: %s\n\n", keyBase, decryptStrapped);

char decryptPolibiusSquare[26];
make_polibius_square(decryptPolibiusSquare, decryptStrapped, asciiLowercase);

printf("[Step 2] Polibius_square\n%s\n\n", decryptPolibiusSquare);

char decryptDicesFlat[26];
make_flat_dices(decryptPolibiusSquare, decryptDicesFlat);
fill_up_dices_flat(decryptDicesFlat, asciiLowercase);

printf("[Step 3] Secrets\nRound 1: '%s'\nRound 2: '%s'\n\n", decryptPassOne, decryptPassTwo);

printf("[Decrypt 1] Unreveal the dices\n");

char tmpChar = '\0';
int tmpKey = 0;
int tmpKeyLength = 0;
int tmpItems = 0;

printf("[Round 1]\n%s\n%s\n---------------------------\n", decryptOrderOne, decryptPassOne);
tmpKeyLength = strlen(decryptPassOne);
tmpItems = tmpKeyLength;
for (int i = 0, j = (int) ceil(strlen(decryptStageOne) / tmpKeyLength); i < j+1; ++i) {
int tmpKeyEnd = tmpKey + tmpItems;

while ((tmpChar = decryptStageOne[(tmpKey++)]) != '\0') {
printf("%c", tmpChar);
if (tmpKey == tmpKeyEnd) {




decrypt_double_dice(decryptInput, decryptOrderOne, decryptStageOne);

printf("[Round 1] Result\n%s\n\n", decryptStageOne);

char tmpChar = '\0';
int tmpKey = 0;
int tmpKeyLength = 0;
int tmpItems = 0;

printf("[Round 2]\n%s\n%s\n---------------------------\n", decryptOrderTwo, decryptPassTwo);
tmpKeyLength = strlen(decryptPassTwo);
tmpItems = tmpKeyLength;
for (int i = 0, j = (int) ceil(strlen(decryptStageOne) / tmpKeyLength); i < j+1; ++i) {
int tmpKeyEnd = tmpKey + tmpItems;

while ((tmpChar = decryptStageOne[(tmpKey++)]) != '\0') {
printf("%c", tmpChar);
if (tmpKey == tmpKeyEnd) {



decrypt_double_dice(decryptStageOne, decryptOrderTwo, decryptStageTwo);

printf("[Round 2] Result\n");
for (int i = 0, j = strlen(decryptStageTwo); i < j; i += 3) {
if (i > 0) {
printf("-%c%c%c", decryptStageTwo, decryptStageTwo[i+1], decryptStageTwo[i+2]);
} else {
printf("%c%c%c", decryptStageTwo, decryptStageTwo[i+1], decryptStageTwo[i+2]);


if (decryptOrderOne != NULL) {

if (decryptOrderTwo != NULL) {


char decryptedDecimalRepresentation[strlen(decryptStageTwo)+1];
decrypt_string_representation(decryptedDecimalRepresentation, asciiLowercase, decryptStageTwo);

printf("[Decrypt 2] Recreate decimal representation\n");
for (int i = 0, j = strlen(decryptedDecimalRepresentation); i < j; i += 3) {
if (i > 0) {
printf("-%c%c%c", decryptedDecimalRepresentation, decryptedDecimalRepresentation[i+1], decryptedDecimalRepresentation[i+2]);
} else {
printf("%c%c%c", decryptedDecimalRepresentation, decryptedDecimalRepresentation[i+1], decryptedDecimalRepresentation[i+2]);


char* decryptedOutput = malloc( (int) ceil(strlen(decryptedDecimalRepresentation) / 3)+1 * sizeof(char));
decrypt_decimal_representation(decryptedDecimalRepresentation, decryptDicesFlat, decryptedOutput);

printf("[Decrypt 3] Final output\n%s\n\n", decryptedOutput);

return decryptedOutput;

Basis Funktionen, genutzt von Encrypt und Decrypt:

void strip_key_base(const char keyBase[], char keyStrapped[]) {
keyStrapped[0] = '\0';

bool isIncluded = false;
int i = 0, j = 0;
char kbc = '\0';
char ksc = '\0';

while ((kbc = keyBase[i++]) != '\0') {
j = 0;
isIncluded = false;

while ((ksc = keyStrapped[j++]) != '\0') {
if (ksc == kbc) {
isIncluded = true;

if (!isIncluded) {
keyStrapped[j-1] = kbc;
keyStrapped[j] = '\0';



void make_polibius_square(char polibiusSquare[], const char keyStrapped[], const char dictionary[]) {
int i = 0;
int cell = 0;
char ksc = '\0';

while ((ksc = keyStrapped[i++]) != '\0') {
polibiusSquare[cell] = tolower(ksc);

int initCell = cell;
bool isIncluded = false;

while (cell < 25) {
int j = 0, k = 0, l = 0;

for (j = 0, l = strlen(dictionary); j < l; ++j) {
isIncluded = false;

for (k = 0; k < initCell; ++k) {
if (dictionary[j] == polibiusSquare[k]) {
isIncluded = true;

if (!isIncluded) {
polibiusSquare[cell++] = dictionary[j];

polibiusSquare[25] = '\0';


void make_dices(const char polibiusSquare[], char dices[3][11]) {
int row = 0;

for (int i = 0, l = strlen(polibiusSquare); i < l; ++i) {
int diceNum = 0;

if (i != 0 && i % 5 == 0) {

int position = (i * 6);

if (position > 10) {
diceNum = position % 10;

if (row < 3) {
if (diceNum == 2 || diceNum == 8) {
diceNum = 1;
} else if (diceNum == 0 || diceNum == 6) {
diceNum = 0;
} else {
diceNum = 2;
} else if (row < 4) {
if (diceNum != 6 && diceNum != 0) {
if (diceNum % 4 == 0) {
diceNum = 2;
} else if (diceNum % 2 == 0) {
diceNum = 1;
} else {
diceNum = 0;
} else {
if (diceNum == 6 || diceNum == 2) {
diceNum = 1;
} else if (diceNum == 8 || diceNum == 4) {
diceNum = 2;
} else {
diceNum = 0;

} else {
diceNum = position / 10 % 3;


if (diceNum != 0) {
position -= 10 * diceNum;

if (row != 0) {
position -= 29 * row;


if (position > 5 && diceNum == 0) {
position -= 1;
} else if (diceNum == 1) {
if (position > 6) {
position -= 2;
} else if (position > 0) {
position -= 1;
} else if (diceNum == 2) {
if (position > 2) {
position -= 2;
} else {
position -= 1;

dices[diceNum][position] = polibiusSquare;

dices[0][9] = '\0';
dices[1][9] = '\0';
dices[2][7] = '\0';


void make_flat_dices(const char polibiusSquare[], char dices[]) {
int diceWriterPos = 0;

for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++) {
for (int j = k; j < 25; j += 5) {
dices[diceWriterPos++] = polibiusSquare[j];
dices[diceWriterPos] = '\0';



void fill_up_dices(char dices[3][11], const char asciiLowercase[]) {

char diceChar = '\0';
char letter = '\0';
int k = 0;
bool isIncluded = false;

while ((letter = asciiLowercase[k++]) != '\0') {
isIncluded = false;

for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
int j = 0;

while ((diceChar = dices[j++]) != '\0') {
if (diceChar == letter) {
isIncluded = true;

if (isIncluded) {

if (!isIncluded) {
for (int l = 0; l < 3; ++l) {
int diceSize = strlen(dices[l]);

if (diceSize < 9) {
dices[l][diceSize] = letter;
dices[l][diceSize+1] = '\0';




void fill_up_dices_flat(char dices[], const char asciiLowercase[]) {

int i = 0, j = 0;

bool isIncluded = false;
char diceChar = '\0';
char letter = '\0';

int diceLength = strlen(dices);

while ((letter = asciiLowercase[i++]) != '\0') {
isIncluded = false;
j = 0;

while ((diceChar = dices[j++]) != '\0') {
if (diceChar == letter) {
isIncluded = true;

if (!isIncluded) {
dices[diceLength++] = letter;
dices[diceLength] = '\0';
if (diceLength == 26) {


char* generate_double_dice_order(const char password[], const char asciiLowercase[]) {
char *passOrderStore = calloc(strlen(password), sizeof(char));

char currentLetter = '\0';
char passLetter = '\0';
int i = 0, j = 0, pos = 1;

while ((currentLetter = asciiLowercase[i++]) != '\0') {
j = 0;

while ((passLetter = tolower(password[j++])) != '\0') {
if (passLetter == currentLetter) {
passOrderStore[j-1] = ((char) pos) + 48;

if (pos == 10) {
pos = 0;

return passOrderStore;

Haupt Encrpyter Funtionen:

void encrypt_decimal_representation(const char cipherText[], const char dices[3][11], char decimalRepresation[]) {
int group = 0;
int row = 0;
int column = 0;

int i = 0, j = 0;
bool isIncluded = false;
char currentChar = '\0';
char diceChar = '\0';
int pos = 0;

while ((currentChar = tolower(cipherText[i++])) != '\0') {
if (currentChar == ' ' || currentChar == '\n' || (currentChar < 'a' || currentChar > 'z')) {
pos = (i-1) * 3;
sprintf(&decimalRepresation[pos], "%d", 333);

for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
j = 0;
isIncluded = false;

while ((diceChar = dices[k][j++]) != '\0') {
if (diceChar == currentChar) {
row = k+1;

if (j % 3 == 0) {
column = 3;
} else if (j == 4) {
column = 1;
} else if (j == 5) {
column = 2;
} else if (j % 2 == 0) {
column = 2;
} else {
column = 1;

if (j < 4) {
group = 1;
} else if (j > 6) {
group = 3;
} else {
group = 2;

pos = (i-1) * 3;
sprintf(&decimalRepresation[pos], "%d%d%d", group, row, column);
isIncluded = true;

if (isIncluded) {



void encrypt_decimal_representation_flat(const char cipherText[], const char dices[], char decimalRepresation[]) {

int group = 0;
int row = 0;
int column = 0;

int i = 0, j = 0;
char currentChar = '\0';
char diceChar = '\0';
int pos = 0;

while ((currentChar = tolower(cipherText[i++])) != '\0') {
if (currentChar == ' ' || currentChar == '\n' || (currentChar < 'a' || currentChar > 'z')) {
pos = (i-1) * 3;
sprintf(&decimalRepresation[pos], "%d", 333);

j = 0;

while ((diceChar = dices[j++]) != '\0') {
if (diceChar == currentChar) {
int base = j;
row = ((int) ceil(j) / 9) + 1;
column = 1;
group = 1;

if (base > 9 && base < 19) {
base -= 9;
} else if (base > 18) {
base -= 18;

if (base != 0) {
if (base % 3 == 0) {
column = 3;
} else if (base % 2 != 0 && base != 7) {
column = 1;
} else if (base % 2 == 0 && base != 4) {
column = 2;

if (base > 3) {
if (base > 6) {
group = 3;
} else {
group = 2;

pos = (i-1) * 3;
sprintf(&decimalRepresation[pos], "%d%d%d", group, row, column);


void encrypt_string_representation(char stringedRepresentation[], const char asciiLowercase[], const char decimalRepresation[]) {
char decimalChar = '\0';
int i = 0, column = 0;


while ((decimalChar = decimalRepresation[i++]) != '\0') {
column = atoi(&decimalChar);

int randomNumber = rand() % 9;
int position = randomNumber < 3 ? column-1 : (randomNumber * 3) + (column-1);
if (position > 25) {
position = 25 - (column-1);

stringedRepresentation[i-1] = asciiLowercase[position];
stringedRepresentation = '\0';


void encrypt_double_dice(const char inputCipher[], const char blockOrder[], char outputCipher[]) {

int columns = strlen(blockOrder);
int cipherLength = strlen(inputCipher);

char blockShadow[columns];
strcpy(blockShadow, blockOrder);

int processedColumns = 0;
int currentIndex = 1;
int offset = 0;
int outputWritePosition = 0;
char blockChar = '\0';
char processedSign = (char) 170;

int i = 0;
int offsetBase = 0;

while (processedColumns < columns) {
i = 0;

while ((blockChar = blockOrder[i++]) != '\0') {
offsetBase = i - 1;
if (blockShadow[offsetBase] == processedSign) {

if ( ((int) blockChar) - 48 == currentIndex) {
offset = offsetBase;

while (offset < cipherLength) {
outputCipher[outputWritePosition++] = inputCipher[offset];
offset += columns;

blockShadow[offsetBase] = processedSign;

// Use this instead of 1133 to go further in line after one item has
// been processed, comment me out if you use 1133
if (++currentIndex == 10) {
currentIndex = 0;

if (++processedColumns == columns) {

// Use this instead to go further in line only after each index has been
// processed
if (++currentIndex == 10) {
currentIndex = 0;


outputCipher[outputWritePosition] = '\0';

Haupt Decrypt-Funktionen:

// Decrypt

void decrypt_decimal_representation(const char decimalRepresentation[], const char dices[], char decryptedOutput[]) {

char decimalChar = '\0';
int group = 0, row = 0, column = 0;

int decryptedOutputWriterPos = 0;
int diceReadPos = 0;

int i = 0;
while ((decimalChar = decimalRepresentation) != '\0') {
group = (int) decimalRepresentation - 48;
row = (int) decimalRepresentation[i+1] - 48;
column = (int) decimalRepresentation[i+2] - 48;

if (group == 3 && row == 3 && column == 3) {
decryptedOutput[decryptedOutputWriterPos++] = ' ';
i += 3;

diceReadPos = ((group-1) * 3) + ((row-1) * 9) + (column-1);
decryptedOutput[decryptedOutputWriterPos++] = dices[diceReadPos];

i += 3;

decryptedOutput[decryptedOutputWriterPos] = '\0';


void decrypt_double_dice(const char decryptInput[], const char blockOrder[], char outputCipher[]) {

char internalBlockOrder[strlen(blockOrder)];
strcpy(internalBlockOrder, blockOrder);

int columns = strlen(internalBlockOrder);
int processedColumns = 0;
int outputWritePosition = 0;
int currentIndex = 1;
int offset = 0;

int cipherLength = strlen(decryptInput);
char processedSign = (char) 170;

int i = 0;
char currentChar = '\0';

while (processedColumns < columns) {
i = 0;

while ((currentChar = internalBlockOrder[i++]) != '\0') {
if (currentChar == processedSign) {

if ( (int) currentChar - 48 == currentIndex) {
offset = i - 1;

while (offset < cipherLength) {
outputCipher[offset] = decryptInput[outputWritePosition++];
offset += columns;

internalBlockOrder[i-1] = processedSign;

if (++currentIndex == 10) {
currentIndex = 0;

if (++processedColumns == columns) {



void decrypt_string_representation(char decimalRepresation[], const char asciiLowercase[], const char stringedRepresentation[]) {

char asciiChar = '\0';
char stringedChar = '\0';
int intVal = 0;

int i = 0, j = 0;

while((stringedChar = stringedRepresentation[i++]) != '\0') {
j = 0;

while((asciiChar = asciiLowercase[j++]) != '\0') {
if (asciiChar == stringedChar) {
intVal = (int) asciiChar % 3;

if (intVal == 0) {
intVal = 3;

decimalRepresation[i-1] = (char) intVal+48;
decimalRepresation = '\0';




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