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    Neu ist, dass die Boardsoftware deutlich besser für Mobiltelefone und diverse Endgeräte geeignet ist und nun auch im mobilen Style alle Funktionen verfügbar sind. Am Desktop findet ihr oben rechts sowohl den Umschalter zwischen hellem und dunklem Style. Am Handy ist der Hell-/Dunkelschalter am Ende der Seite. Damit sollte zukünftig jeder sein Board so konfigurieren können, wie es ihm am liebsten ist.

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[Sonstiges] English Thread



15 Juli 2013
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  • #21
I am missing my pizza cutter



6 Mai 2020
Good luck finding it.

May I share a joke?

Argon enters the pub. The waiter aplogizes and says "Sorry, we do not serve to noble gases".

What does Argon do?
Nothing, it doesn't react :D

/edit: A good way to learn about technical terms and their usage is to read a manual's english version and only take the one in your native language as a reference in case of doubt. The same can be said about watching english videos about topics that you already understand technically.



6 Mai 2020
Ok everyone, let's talk about IT infrastructure now. Regarding network topology, please explain to me what your understanding of "ring redundancy" is. What kind of level of redundancy does a ring on its own supply, and what could we gain if there would be two redundant rings?


Veteran Barkeeper

3 Aug. 2014
I am not enough of a geek to have a deeper understanding of network topoogy, but I would think that an discussion about this would be very helpful.
I wonder, is it worth setting up a Pi hole, when talking about networking in general.

From my experience a good mantained "dnsmasq" blocking list, will do most of the job for one computer, I am not sure about a network in whole.

Also, yesterday and the day before yesterday, I was cleaning up two tower pcs from a friend of mine which are not used anymore and which I gladly took in my hands. These are, kinda or kind of, old machines with dual-core processors ranging from 2,3 GHz to 2.8 GHz. One does not include any storage but is fully working besides that. The other one has two harddrives on which one hosts Windows and the other is empty and could be used to run a Linux system.

Anyhow. I am looking for real use cases of this machines. I was thinking about a replacement desktop pc for my mother. Or a network storage server, but I have not checked yet, if the hardware supports more modern hard drives. And those both PCs are only 32 bit systems with kinda low RAM.

So, does anyone have a clue about the further usage of this computers?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:



6 Mai 2020
Split, you totally got me on "Pi hole". I never heard about that, to be honest. The ring I was talking about is some kind of redundancy that basically ensures that if one component fails, your production plant will still be
a) able to continue automated operation which is granted by industrial PLCs
b) able to accept manual input from human operators via HMI

Regarding your "new" PC systems, RAM can be updated. 32bit is some kind of limiting. In my old days, old hardware was used to DIY a firewall / filter of some kind.



15 Juli 2013
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  • #27
Hey its a little "push-this-thread", but also to write english again a bit.split said it in an other Thread, calm down and unspeed a Bit. Yes Hannover ist full of Speed, Cars, angry people, traffic, technical futureness. I m searching or wanna Back to slowlyness. I Need a Break for now, thats right, i was overspeeded, good evening



15 Juli 2013
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  • #28
Hey Split i got an E-Mail again, that you bought some new music on bandcamp. Do you have something new music for me i could like? That kind of i got from you last days. Thank you.
Synth Wave Style.




15 Juli 2013
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  • #29
So, its time to write new words in this thread. It's a nother night i have fun to think in english. it's because i'm speaking every day english in my job, so i like this language very much. I repeat my words, but i know or got only IT-english, smalltalk is hard for me. We in our team at work are a diced international team, there is from all of us this "Lothar Matthäus" English :D If its india, italian or other countrys, we all speak this worse english. But what else, we try it and can get the words from the other, that ok for us.
When i read english text, i take all these words (sry, i don't get the english vocabulary for "Verstehen"). Thats the point for me, i haven't learned vocabulary, i didn't learned the right side to write words. But its ok for me today. I'm thinking when i speak english every day i will learn it better an better, also the gramatic.
So thats it for now, maybe in a few month i write something new in this thread again.
Best regards, Steve. Have a nice day (or still a night):coffee:



15 Juli 2013
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  • #30
And those both PCs are only 32 bit systems with kinda low RAM.
I think thats over now. 32bit Systems are dead, take a 64 System and you have more fun. But i'm happy about the "Raspbian for Desktop 32bit". It a 32bit OS with still a Chromium 32 bit Browser. I think Chromium is the last Browser you can get in 32bit? I dont know if its the same by all these other Browsers.

Edit: u can still take "Raspbian for Desktop 32bit" for old PCs. It works fine.